Diogenes Club Found Page

by Dan Antidormi

I watched as Sherlock Holmes leaned back in the chair. His eyes fixed intently on his brother Mycroft.

"Sherlock, your persistent prying into the matter has become most annoying. So you will cease any further investigation." Mycroft said, his hands folded behind his back.

"Does that order come from Balmoral or Downing Street, Mycroft? Or The Diogenes Club?" I saw the rush of color on Mycroft's face.

"You are out of your league, Sherlock. Let it drop. That is an order." Mycroft said.

Sherlock Holmes set down the glass which held his drink. He turned in his seat so as to be facing me. I saw the hard look of anger in his eyes. A look I saw rarely.

"You see Watson, the motto for the Diogenes Club - or, should I say, my brother - should be, 'Oh what a perfect world it would be, if only everyone in it were as perfect as me.'"

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